accessories, Color, Steal the style, street style, xmas 17

How to wear classic holiday colors

Red, green, gold and silver…yay combinations!

Red and Green

Red and Gold

Red and Silver

Green and Gold

Green and Silver

Beauty, Color, FW 16-17, hair, Xmas 16

Are you ready to sparkle?

Top 6 ways to “glam” your hair like a pro


From rainbow hair, to rainbow roots and from that to glitter roots and more.

Shine with your smile and your hair..make a statement


collection, fashion, style

H&M’s Christmas looks

Lady Gaga meets Tony Bennett for the H&M Holiday’s Campaign

For casual or formal styles, for her and him, for the ladies and the gilrs, H&M gives the choices for great all day looks. Sparkly party dresses, knit sweaters in festive red or snowy white and shiny leggings and skirts. You will also find a variety in accessories, as fedora hats, rings, scarfs, boots, necklaces and everything that yiu can imagine.

style, Winter 2014/15

Amazing Christmas outfits

Awesome Holiday looks to start the new year with the best way!!

Shimmering dresses, leggings, skirts and blazers. Pieces that will amaze the others. Gold, black, red, green, silver and grey hits our top list. Take a look and get inspired.

fashion tip: keep your mix and match simple, combine a lood piece with something simple, like a t-shirt, shirt, jacquard sweaters and more.

fashion, style

Cool it-girl dressing for the Holidays

The guide to dazzle

Lauren Conrad is dressing up for every party for our favorite Holiday. I am so exited and i just can’t hide it!! Christmas is here and the parties are coming. If you want to amaze people around you, just take a look of the above lovely outfits.
