accessories, Color, design, fashion, trends, vintage, Winter18, women

How to wear PVC

It’s crystal clear to me 

The ’90s throwback made a splash last summer via sandals with see-through straps. Then, Chanel took it to new heights on its Spring 2018 runway, showing clear boots, slickers and accessories en masse. Meaning? If anything, this trend is gaining momentum.

clear accessories

PVC style

accessories, just to inspire, next best thing, style, summer 17

Eyewear trend for 2017

The colors that dominate the eyewear world 

In terms of colors, dark tones dominate the season. The top trendy glasses are painted in tortoiseshell colors, which is the king of colorways. Black, brown, clear and red frames are also very popular

Gold metal glasses

Buy them here 

Tartoise shell shades

Clear glasses

Buy them here 

Blue green trend

Buy them here 

Clubmaster browline glasses

Round glasses two toned

And for sunglasses the bearcat

