design, home, just to inspire, trends

Ceramic small sky planter

Encourage greenery at home 

Potted plants commonly lose water through evaporation and drainage. The Boskke Sky Planter’s unique reservoir feeds water gradually to the plant’s roots.

Color, design, home, trends, Xmas 16

Get inspired and diy

Top 6 creative christmas trees 


1. Our office tree! Christmas decorating becomes magical!
With The Vanishing Clip Decoration Command ™, your walls are full of possibilities!Thank you 3M!

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accessories, collection, Color, design, home, style, trends

Home styling volume 1

Meet “Pennie” a greek brand that monopolized me 


So since i am in a house hunting situation, i decided to find some home styles that will help me find the perfect house for me. In this search, i found how to “accessorize” my house with the perfect texiles, prints and more. Ready? You will find everything! Blankets, rugs, curtains, pouf, quilts, soaps, tailor made towels, sous plat and everything for your baby.

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