food, style, taste

Two food trends for 2014 in-trending 4

Mind blowing food
100% bacon
A burger that utilizes an excess of bacon in every single aspect from the pure bacon patties to the



Waffle tacos
This treat doesn’t have a time..but during breakfast it’s a top choice.Filled with breakfast goodies, you can literally eat a well-balance breakfast while driving. Not that I’d condone eating and driving…le taco with ice’s supreme!



food, taste

Oreo Madness in-trending 6

Fast, easy, yummy

Attention, baking is not included. You wake up one day and you have a “want to eat chocolate need”, story of your life, i know! So if you want to make something yummy for you and your favorite people, you have to play it safe and choose oreo cookies as the main ingredient of your recipe.


Let’s do it

We need

1 Pack of Oreos

1 cup of milk

Cool whip, light, or fat free will also work if you are looking to cut a few extra calories off.

Let’s cut to the chase

Dip the cookies in the milk, for a second or two, and then let them rest. Spread whip cream on the top and then put one more layer of oreo cookies, and then again whip cream. On the top, if you have a few extra cookies, crumble them, and spread them. It’s ready to amuse your senses.


