Jewlery, style, trends

Statement necklaces #6


How to wear them?

They are certainly a trend for a while, but we never stop loving them, since necklaces are the best way to complete a successful and amazing preppy outfit. Every season is right for them, so please do embrace them! Whether you are up to your job, or you are going out for a date, thery are your answer to fascinate everyone around you, without even trying alot. Stop wondering, what to wear…go to the next level by embracing this huge and lovely trend. They’re such an easy way to dress up something simple, and can be worn in so many different ways. But because they make such a, well, statement, these pieces of jewelry can sometimes feel a little intimidating. Style tips ahaid ladies…!

1. A casual graphic tee becomes more dressy as soon as you pair it with a glam, sparkly statement necklace.

2. Neon, neon, neon…A neon necklace with a gray top is an awesome unexpected twist.

3. Break up an all-black ensemble by adding a large statement necklace.

4.Wear a bib necklace over a high t-shirt so that it almost looks like part of your top. Vintage and stylish…it’s a total yay!

5. Overalls are back! Update them with a large, colorful statement necklace.

6. Attention: Don’t be afraid to pair a bold necklace with a bold pattern.



