Mens, trends

Top celebrity beard styles

Beard? Is it a yay or a nay?

For the past years beard in men was synonymous with masculinity and i “know what i want and i want it now”. For some mysterioys reason men with beard appeared to be more serious, aggresive and at the same time romantic. There are two recent studies, one of them supports that the beard days are over, and that women want their men to have baby faces. The other one was conducted by researchers from the University of New South Wales and published in Evolution and Human Behavior found that women found men with beards — specifically 10-day-old beards — more attractive. Not just that but guys with full-beards were perceived as better and more protective fathers. Go figure…you never know what will attract you, there aren’t any recipes. So check the following celeb styles…and give it a try, or should you not?

