fashion, style, women

6 ways to look thinner

Styling tips that make you look thinner

The fashion editor council gathered and tried to find ways for the girls that don’t feel everyday beautiful. It has happened to all of us, to wake up and besides a bad hair day, the next first senario is to feel bloated and can’t find a thing to fit you. Don’t worry, we have some stylish tricks that will make you feel better with your look.

Select 1.Oversized knit, 2. statement jackets with structured shoulders and combine it with cropped slim pants. 3. basic top-jersey with loose skirt, 4. loose fitting tops, 5. blazer that hits below the waist, 6. tie a plaid  or a flimsy sweater around your natural waist and 7. Tuck only a tiny part of your shirt in your pants/ jeans.

